
NBC News: Adrian Nazari Says Staying ‘Vigilant’ Is Crucial to Protecting Yourself From Identity Theft

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NBC News: Adrian Nazari Says Staying ‘Vigilant’ Is Crucial to Protecting Yourself From Identity Theft

In response to the Equifax data breach, Credit Sesame CEO Adrian Nazari spoke to NBC Better about what consumers should do to protect their finances.

In the article, he tells reporter Kelsey Butler:

You’ll also want to gather “as much documentation as you can surrounding the theft,” says Adrian A. Nazari, CEO of credit monitoring company Credit Sesame. “It is also a good idea to file a police report, as it can be an essential document in helping you recover from identity theft,” he says.

As the situation gets resolved, it’s important to remain as vigilant as ever. “It’s also important that you are sure to always closely monitor your credit reports and financial accounts moving forward,” Nazari says.

Read the full story here.

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